A Cold Wolf Moon Is the Setting for the “Theme Attic” 14th Anniversary Show Pt.2, Wednesday 12PM-4PM EST!!!







Theme Attic” returns on Wednesday from 12PM-4PM EST, after a few weeks hiatus with @philmaq !

And the show continues to celebrate it’s 14th anniversary!

Plus the celebration is so big that it encompassed another year!

I’m starting to get things together with a new computer, but I have a ways to catch up, so some of the posts will still be evolving.

The setting for this show is the cold, wolf, full moon coming up!

That means I will be trying to fit in as many Seasonal songs that I can!

There’s a couple of other anniversaries today as well as other things as well as a Top 9 at 2:o9 Fave Albums Countdown!

Plenty of local music, too!

So tune in to 89.3 FM in the Dearborn-Detroit area or use this link to stream it: https://whfr.fm/streamer/ !

Please spread the fun and share the post!

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