My New Year Resolution: Second Verse, Same As the First!!!

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A year ago I made a resolution to see if I could keep it.

I never really had made it known before.

Every year I set some personal goals and complete some of them.

It actually feels good when it happens.

I usually reassess about half way through the year to make sure I’m staying on track.

I don’t think I’m saying anything that’s revolutionary here, although some people may be surprised that I have goals.

My radio goal was pretty simple: I would play at least two songs by artists I had never played before!

So, how did I do?

Just fine.

Actually, I think I did quite well!

I only messed up once, maybe twice, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying.

One time, I forgot to bring the song with me.

And once I think I ran out of time. Anybody who knows me knows that I am not into time, and I don’t time out my show.

However, I made sure I played three on the next show.

So, I still have room to grow.

The good thing is that I know I played several shows where I played at least ten new artists that I’d never played before.

In general, I know that I far exceeded my goal!

And I have my own personal standards for every artist or song that I play:

It has to either be Philby worthy (what I call my music awards), have some historical or intrinsic significance, and be somewhat entertaining–not just to me but my listeners.

Otherwise, why play it?

I don’t just grab something to play it.

I respect every song and artist that I play on my show! 

I like to think that every artist that I play–no matter the subject matter, recorded something spiritual that tries to take the listener to a better place!

At least, that’s my approach!

Prove me wrong!

To wrap things up, I probably will keep my resolution the same every year. I’ll just bring it up to remind each other of things I’m trying to do!

So, Happy New Year everyone.

And since it’s an out with the old in with the new time of year, here’s a classic “Happy New Year” song by Theme Attic Hall of Fame members, Spike Jones and His City Slickers!


I do a weekly show at WHFR in Dearborn, Michigan:

“Prime Time Theme Attic” on Monday nights from 8PM-10PM ET.

You can here it locally at 89.3 FM in the Dearborn-Detroit area or use this streaming link:

I’d be honored if you check me out some time…and then come back to listen again! You can even tell your friends to listen, too! Not only just to my show, but the wonderful variety of music the DJs at WHFR play!


If you like what you see, don’t forget to spread the word by hitting the “like” button on my Facebook page, Phil Maq!

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