The Most Awesomest Song of the Day: “Seasick Sailor” by Coral Creek!!!

Here’s a link to the complete list:

I want to emphasize mostly, relatively newer music, just like on my Monday night show, “Prime Time Theme Attic.” (Monday nights 8PM-10PM ET when it returns.)

Here’s the link for when that day comes: )

But I can promise this: I will not force my selections. If something doesn’t hit me, I won’t post one.

Everything I do has always been about shining a spotlight on the artist and their music.

Now I will have the potential to shine 365 more spotlights if I want to!

Please share the post to help spread the word!

Regardless of everything going on in the world that is way more important than my daily post, I will continue, nonetheless, in case someone is looking for a few minutes of respite.


On this annual “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” I want to reflect on that infamous scalawag Jaqbeard, the scourge of Zug Island and the Rouge River.

Maybe you’ve seen his ship off in the distance from I-75 while going over the river.

I’ve never seen it, but I’m OK with that because I’ve seen Jaqbeard close up and it’s an experience that sometimes gives me nightmares!

I also learned, over time, how to spell his name correctly.

Sometimes people talk about a “love-hate” relationship with someone.

My personal experience with Jaqbeard is more of a “scared-hate” relationship. (But don’t tell him that if you have an encounter with him and my name happens to come up!)

A few years ago, I was in the middle of doing my show when he and his men stormed the station and took over my show until it ended.

Since then, I’ve come to expect it, and I even decided to give in and just invite him on the show.

It was still a very uncomfortable experience.

I mean the dude always complains about the seats at the station and always wants to know which one’s the captain’s chair!

Regardless, I don’t know what he’s doing today, nor do I care.

But if you feel so inclined, you can let loose with a spirited, “Yaargh!” and maybe he’ll show up!

That’s brings us to today’s song.

“Seasick Sailor” by Philby Award winning artist, Coral Creek, from their “Free Dog” album is more of a tale of a pirate than a sailor.

The guy apparently had a PR rep!

The yarn has a lot of detail and always keeps things interesting!

The Most Awesomest Song of the Day is “Seasick Sailor” by Coral Creek!!!


If you like what you see, don’t forget to spread the word by hitting the “like” button on my Facebook page, Phil Maq and by sharing this post!

#CoralCreek #FreeDog #SeasickSailor #JaqbeardthePirate #PhilMaq #TheMostAwesomestSongoftheDay



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