Will There Be a “Theme Attic” Show on Wednesday?


What to do?

What to do?

With major snowstorm Landon, aiming for the Metro Detroit area, the question arises whether there will be a “Theme Attic” Show on Wednesday?

Considering that as I write this post, there isn’t a snow flake to be seen and probably won’t be for another ten hours. iI’s rather difficult to figure out how much planning to put into the show.

There are already hundreds of school closings and it would seem a safe bet that the campus, and, therefore by default, the station will probably be closing, too.

However, I have decided to take a contrary approach.

I will work on the show just on the chance that maybe the storm won’t be as terrible as predicted.

Maybe just a little bit of opposite karma will work!

If it seems the show is a go, I will update this info.

Until then, we shall wait………………………………………………




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