It’s Philby Time!: An Overview!

The Philby Award

I did something a couple of weeks ago that I don’t normally do–look at a calendar and do some planning.

I had to.

It was time to start figuring out when the Philby Awards would begin…and possibly end.

The run up is kinda easy and I have it down:

  • The “Semi-Annual Theme Attic Hall of Fame Show” just before Thanksgiving,
  • The last New Music Showcase the week after Thanksgiving,
  • The start of The Philby Awards the week after that.

And that’s where we are.

So the Philby Awards Countdowns begin on Monday night, December 9, 2019 on my “Prime Time Theme Attic” show from 8PM-10PM ET!!!

I am also planning several interruptions to have special in-studio guests celebrating new album releases!

I think when someone releases some new music that they have sweated over for many months and possibly years, and they want to share their new work of art on my show with me AND my listening audience–as well as talk about it, that is something that I don’t want to miss!

I will always make room for those special days! It’s a great honor to me!

So, at this point looking forward, I expect the final Philby show to end in early March.

However, I found out last year when weather interrupted my Countdowns for weeks at a time, that it’s OK to extend The Philbys. They will still happen, and can be enjoyed when it happens!

Now, last year was an exception. That was the first year that the HFC campus was closed like that since I’ve been at the station. I’m not expecting that to happen again, but I haven’t checked with the weather gods.

Once again, I am more than willing to extend them should any other special music occasion present itself!

Anyway, that’s the layout for now.

I hope you can join me as often as you can to check things out.

An easy way to stay up to date on what’s happening is to “like” my Phil Maq page.

AND lastly, I hope everyone has a very merry Philby Season!


My weekly radio show “Prime Time Theme Attic,” can be heard Mondays, 8P-10P ET. It almost always includes a weekly countdown of my favorite albums or songs  and some shows feature two countdowns!

Here’s a link to listen if you want to hear what I do:

Listen live: 


If you like what you see, don’t forget to spread the word by hitting the “like” button on my Facebook page, Phil Maq!

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