Last Call for 2023 Philbys (Sorta) and First Call for 2024; The Last Unofficial Philby Best Albums of 2022 Countdown #8!!!

The Philby Award

The Philby is my digital award for brilliant musical achievement!

And it’s getting past the point of closing the books on 2022.

However, that also means closing the books on Philby applications for 2023.


I do not have my list of releases together for 2023 yet, so there’s always the chance that something could grab my attention.

But the odds start going down after we pass September.

Still, every year I say that, and every year something makes it onto the list way after I expect to stop adding to the list.

In fact, I will continue asking for music to be considered until I know that door is absolutely closed. Probably sometime in April of 24. But there’s probably, at most, only a one percent chance that any item will make the list at that point.

I will throw out a last chance call for musicians and artists who may think I have their release.

If I haven’t played anything from it up to this point, I would suggest verifying with me just to be sure. 

So, in a sense, I think of this post more as an opportunity for 2024 Philby consideration!

Ya just never know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Something unusual happens every year…………

Here is my final Last Unofficial Philby Best Albums of 2022 Countdown, #8!!!:

Just like with my Unofficial Hot 100 Songs Lists, the album lists will appear in reverse order until the Official list appears to give albums and artists in the lower slots some of the recognition they are also due!

A section on submissions will follow each Unofficial list!

100.Beat This—The Aesthetics

99.Postcards From the Moon—Layla Frankel

98.You Need the Needs—The Needs

97.The Idealist—Flora Elmcolone

96.The Absolute Error—Mercury Ulia

95.Gonna Be Beautiful—Karney

94.Permission—Lady Lark

93.Maybe I Will See You at the End of the World—Sydney Sprague

92.The Supporting Character—Emily Kinney

91.Now With More RocketsRob Moss and Skin Tight Skin

90. Unleashed—Dog Sisters 

89. Live at the Logan Street Sanctuary—Thunderwude

88.Kindness—Linda Marks

87.Done Come Too Far—Shemekia Copeland

86.Lago Ausente—Zoe Pollock

85.Queendom—Analea Brown

84.We All Shine On: Celebrating the Music of 1970—Various Artists

83.Smote Reverser—Oh Sees

82.Bloodline Maintenance—Ben Harper

81.The EastWest Sessions—Mindi Abair and The Boneshakers

80.Watershed—The Belle Curves

79.Relentless—Ilene Springer

78.Oval—The ContraZoom Mixtapes

77.Ladyship Warship—Ladyship Warship

76.The Legacy of Billy Bob Sr—Barker and Broski

75.A Thin Thread—Phil Yates and The Affiliates

74.September Songs of 2021—Roger Ponder

73.The Space Between Two Thoughts—Memphis Hawk

72.One Year in the Lesser Middle—Tom Alter

71.Second Hand Mojo—Second Hand Mojo

70.Better Days—Corndaddy

69.Phil Lee and Other Old Time Favorites—Phil Lee

68.Tanglewoods—The Empty Pockets

67.Earworms—Nick Frater

66.Vivus—John Barron and Rob Emmanuel

65.Novel Noel—Lyn Stanley

64.Digging Deeper Toward the Sky—Bill Price

63.Transitions de Bien—Mary Ann Kirt

62.Turning Stone—Dan Hazlett

61.Madison and Angelus—Bevin Luna

60.Big Wheel—Mick Clarke

59.Heroes and Legends—TJ George

58.Kismet—Kid Gulliver

57.Vessel—The Accidentals

56.Where and When—Kelly’s Lot

55.Watercolor—Gary Browe

54.Every Moment—Sigrid Christiansen

53.A Little Life—Liz Miller

52.No. 5—Solomon King and The Chosen

51.Anthems of Home—HuDost

50.Far Above and Far Away—After Blue

49.Light on the Horizon—Jerry Price

48.Superimpostion—Suburban Hi—Fi

47.The Turning Year—Jennifer Cutting’s Ocean Orchestra

46.Ponder This—Roger Ponder

45.Black Box Theory—Gretchen’s Wheel

44.Planet A’Go—Go—Xposed 4Heads

43.The Ballad of Larry’s Neighbor—Billy W. Brandt (Seattle Jazz Artist)

42.Strings, Wings, and Curious Things—Sue Horowitz

41.From Those Sweet Ashes—Jeremy Facknitz

40.When You’re Leaving—Andrew Stonehome

39.Meat Bird in Beigeville—Judy Nazemetz

38.The Sweetwater Sessions—Jonatha Brooke

37.The Word From the Swamp—Beowolf Kingsley

36.West Wind—Ian McFeron

35.Lonesome Galaxy—The Volebeats

34.Radiophonic Supersonic—Dave Caruso

33.Pete, Woody, and Me: Keep the Flame Alive, Vol.1—Spook Handy

32.Toxic Swamp and Other Love Songs—Kenny Young and the Eggplants

31.Brother Johnny—Edgar Winter

30. Dockside Saints—Cary Morin

28.Banner Day—Signal Flags

27.Troubled Times—Mike Ward

26.Start at the End—Tamar Berk

25.Rise Again—Laura Rain and The Caesars

24.Travel Light—The Steve Taylor 3

23.The Mission Band—Billy Brandt

22.Vivid—Julianne Ankley

21.Baby, I’m Hollywood—Judith Hill


Here’s a section on submissions:

I am accepting entries for Philby consideration!

The album selections are made from a sliding four year pool of music.

The pool for 2023 is 2021-2024.

One of the reasons that I use a multiple year submission scale is that just getting music out to the world is sometimes difficult for an artist.

A lot of them are not really wired for self promotion.

Making music is totally different than drumming up interest in it, especially for independent musicians.

Yes, there are promoters that can help with that. And nothing against promoters because they have a role to play. But they cost money, and the artist already had to pay to record the music, and may not be prepared for the process of promoting it.

After looking at how some other independent awards are handled, I figured a four year window allows me enough time to serendipitously run across someone’s music.

I have told this story several times, but I try very hard to listen to everything that is submitted.

Although I work on my list, starting literally on January 1st, using a four year sliding window, I carry over some of what would qualify from the prior years.

So, if you’ve made some music dating back as far as 2019, I will accept that music for consideration.

If you have something older than 2019, send that, too, but identify the release date. I’m always looking for GREAT music.

For the Philbys, I’m looking for full albums.

However, if you only have a single, I’ll accept that, too. Don’t forget that I also have a Philby Hot Songs list, and more artists are releasing singles these days.

But please don’t send me an incomplete album if you have one.

So, please don’t edit for me.

I dislike that and I might not even check out the item. I don’t know why anyone would only send selected songs instead of their whole work of art for consideration.

Please don’t send me links to listen to music. That’s not how I listen to music.  And I probably won’t listen to it if you send me a link to stream it. Either send me the album to download or request my mailing address to send a physical copy.

Every year I say that if your item came out later than May, it may not end up on this year’s list. So it’s possible that submissions entered now may only be considered for 2021. (It sounds so good to think of 2020 being finished!)

However, this year will be totally different than other years. I have not received any where near the amount of releases that I normally do.

It might be an excellent year to send a submission.

I will accept any genre of music. I like a variety of styles, even on the same album!

So, please e-mail your mp3s, and please make sure it is an mp3 only, to

If you want a physical address or have other questions, please e-mail me at the same address. Because selections will be considered for more than a single year, there isn’t an expiration date at the present.

If you want someone who will actually listen to your music, I am that person.

If you want some recognition for working hard and baring your soul, that might be me, too. I can’t make any promises, but I will listen to your music.

If you are reading this and are not a musician but know someone who is, please forward this to them.

Good luck to all who participate!

My weekly radio show “Theme Attic,” can be heard Wednesdays, 12PM-4PM ET!

The show can be heard on WHFR 89.3 FM in the Dearborn-Detroit area of Michigan, or it can be streamed with this link:!

It almost always includes a weekly countdown of my favorite albums or songs  and some shows feature two countdowns!

There’s plenty of other musical things to browse on my website!

Here’s the link to the complete history of all the Fave Albums:!

Here’s a link for the complete history of all the Fave Songs:!

Another list that you might find interesting is my list for “The Most Awesomest Songs of the Day”:!

If you’d like to know what I think are even better than the awesome songs, have a look at “The Greatest Songs Ever Recorded”:! Occasionally, an “awesome song” crosses over to become a “Greatest Song!”

My somewhat unusual Hall of Fame can be explored here:!

Lastly, but most importantly, is my Philby Awards link! A Philby is my annual award for brilliant musical achievement!!


If you like what you see, don’t forget to spread the word by hitting the “like” button on my Facebook page, Phil Maq!

#Unofficial2022PhilbyBestAlbumsUpdate  #Philby #Philbys #2022UnofficialPhilbys

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