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Tag Archives: Dark Summer
Best Songs of 2013!!!
Here it is, the list you’ve all been waiting for! There was just so much good music in 2013 it was hard for me to pare down the selections, so here are my top 60 of the year. What were … Continue reading →
Posted in Hall of Fame, Music "Q"sings, Paul McCartney, Phil's Faves: Songs
Tagged 22, A Hard Days Night, Alarm Clock Blues, All Over the Road, All the Time in the World, Another Day, Baker's Boy, Be My Baby, Beautiful Light, Begin Again, Best Songs of 2013, Bevel Emboss, Billo Jo and Norah, Blame, Brian Auger, Calvin Harris, Carnival, Caught Up, Cornell Kinderknecht, Crime & The City Solution, Crime and The City Solution, Danax, Dark Summer, Deep Purple, Detour, Dierks Bentley, Don't Stop the Party, Dylan McDonald & The Avians, Easton Corbin, Ellie Goulding, Everybody Out There, Falling, False Information, Fossil Fuel, Glass Bottom Boat, Goddess, Grace and Tony, Grow Back New, Hey Ocean, Highway Don't Care, I Grow Tired, I Need Your Love, Jason Didner, Jason Didner and The Jungle Gym Jam, Jay Z, Jeff Goloub, Jerry Miller, Jessica Hernandez and The Deltas, Jesus Save My Soul But..., Joanie Leeds and the Nightlights, Joe Reilly, John Glinty, Julia Massey & The Five Finger Discount, Justin Timberlake, Kacey Musgraves, Keith Urban, Kevin Selfe, Little Cloud, Long Time Gone, Loosen Up!, Lyn Saga, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Martin McCall, Matthew Morgan & The Lost Brigade, Merry Go Round, Mick Clarke, Midnight Creeper, Miniboone, Morning Electric, Music q sings, New, Nora Jane Struthers & The Party Line, Norah Jane Struthers & The Party Line, November, Orion, Palmas Sinfonia, paramore, Patrick Davy & The Ghosts, Paul McCartney, Phil Maq, Phil's Faves: Songs, Pitbull with TJR, Port City Prophets, RB Stone, Red Dress, Riven Man, Rock and Roll Monkey and the Robots, Rollin' Over, Roy Scoutz, Roy Sludge, Rumba Nova, Rusty Wright, Saddle Up the Whales, Saskwatch, Send me Back to Earth, Shot Down, Skinny Lister, Sonic Graffiti, Stella, Still Into You, Strawberry Heritage, Suit and Tie, Sultans of String, Summer Moon, Taylor Swift, The Cat, The Dan Sheehan Conspiracy, The Delinquent, The Quirk, The Royal Blackbirds, The Superposition of Human Affection, Thorcraft Cobra, Thrift Shop, Tim McGraw, Tip it on Back, Tom Selleck's Moustache, Top 100, Trawler Man, Tu Mochila Esta Abierta, Unbreak My Heart, Urleen Share Your Turnip Greens, Venice, Veronica Falls, Waiting for Something to Happen, Wanz, White Ravens, Wild Fruit
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